Breaking News: Summary Judgement DENIED in Defamation Lawsuit
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Breaking News: Summary Judgement DENIED in Defamation Lawsuit

Breaking News: Summary Judgement DENIED in Defamation Lawsuit

Defendants #dennywalsh and the City of Orono are going to trial 9//3/24

This is just one of several lawsuits pending against the City of Orono and also Mayor Walsh. In this particular case, a Citizen is suing the City of Orono and Mayor Dennis Walsh for defamation. The case goes to jury trial September 3rd.

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City of Orono’s Deflection Tactics
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

City of Orono’s Deflection Tactics

How ironic - and where is your boat City of Orono, Minnesota Government ? Didn’t you decide that the pushing through #control of Orono Fire is more important than public safety? Thousands of residents will be celebrating on Lake Minnetonka this weekend - where’s your service? Oh, that’s right, you are depending on Long Lake Fire to make up your missing service coverage for the Lakeshore City aren’t you? And charging us 7x+ more for less.


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Mayor Walsh's "Great Ride" at Taxpayer Expense
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Mayor Walsh's "Great Ride" at Taxpayer Expense

Mayor Walsh’s messages in the city newsletter boast of the last eight years being a “great ride”. Much of that "great ride” for him has come at the expense of increasing the city’s tax levy over 80% in those eight years. It's a great ride if one can spend, spend, spend.

Orono’s tax base and citizens' house assessments have never been higher in the city’s history. Inflated home values and new density developments have created the largest tax base from which to tax and spend. Repairing roads and maintaining parks is great but not creating a whole new fire department and going into debt to build a new supersized public works building when only a new outside storage area was needed. These new projects are costing the citizens over tens of millions of dollars. Instead of getting a break in tax rates when times are good, the Orono citizens are watching their property taxes rise and the city’s reserves dwindle.

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Do you know how much you are paying for the SUPERSIZED Public Works Building?
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Do you know how much you are paying for the SUPERSIZED Public Works Building?

Orono sewer and water users are now paying for part of the project overrun on the new, oversized Public Works Building. Originally proposed at $11 million, the building was then supersized by Mayor Walsh with the goal of it “serving the city for 100 years”.

The city then naively bonded for $13 million only to have the first round of construction bids came in at $18 million. Walsh and staff then scrambled to find things to cut from the project to add back in at later dates.

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Orono’s “Taj Mahal” Public Works Open House
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Orono’s “Taj Mahal” Public Works Open House

So here's the truth about the Taj Mahal and a budget overrun of nearly double:

This ridiculously large and frankly warehouse style building now sits as the monument to the Walsh regime. Unattractive? Too large for a City of around 3200 homes losing population for the last three years? No one wants to buy services from Orono now until there's a new administration City of Orono, Minnesota Government

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Orono Mayor Walsh Appears to Flip Flop on Citizen Input
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Orono Mayor Walsh Appears to Flip Flop on Citizen Input

Back in 2015, then council member Denny Walsh stated “the public expects that they have input and it there is an agenda item this may be the only time that they have a chance to say anything they want about it”.

Now that he is mayor, he can do anything he wants even going against his own ideas about the importance of allowing the public to speak.

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Why isn't Mayor Walsh following his own guidelines for Citizen input?
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Why isn't Mayor Walsh following his own guidelines for Citizen input?

When Denny Walsh first ran for mayor, he campaigned on allowing citizens the ability to publicly comment on any agenda item at a meeting. He went as far as publishing this on the top of the council agenda, "The public is invited to address the council regarding any item on the regular agenda. If your topic is not on the agenda, you may speak during the Public Comments section.”

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Breaking News: Spend, Spend, Spend
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Breaking News: Spend, Spend, Spend

Breaking News: Spend, Spend, Spend

Yet another Orono City project is squandering more taxpayers dollars, and running over the initial estimate by over 46%. During the Monday February 26th, Mayor Walsh and his council majority will ask city council to vote for a temporary fire shelter next to the Navarre Station #2.

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Is Mayor Walsh's Orono now the metro's Wild West?
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Is Mayor Walsh's Orono now the metro's Wild West?

What has happened since Mayor Walsh has taken office? Has Orono become the Wild West?

Public Land Sold and/or Given away without Citizen Input

Public Access Property on Lake Minnetonka has been sold and given away to city officials and/or friends of the Mayor or special residents chosen by the Mayor.

Large Expenditures without Citizen Input….

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Are Big Donors getting Tax Write-offs for developing Citizen owned Land?
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Are Big Donors getting Tax Write-offs for developing Citizen owned Land?

Are Orono Parks FOR SALE to big donors?

After the City of Orono held a public meeting without recording it nor broadcasting it, now we look at the agenda packet for the next City Council meeting and what do we see? Entire projects getting shoved through without public hearings including a large open air Pickleball complex in the Long Lake Holbrook neighborhood.

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