Orono Mayor Walsh Appears to Flip Flop on Citizen Input

The Two Faces of Orono Mayor #dennywalsh What he said to get elected and what he is doing now

Back in 2015, then council member Denny Walsh stated “the public expects that they have input and it there is an agenda item this may be the only time that they have a chance to say anything they want about it”.

Now that he is mayor, he can do anything he wants even going against his own ideas about the importance of allowing the public to speak. See our video here: https://youtu.be/vB7BpX-ytsA?feature=shared

Why the 180? How can Council member Dennis Walsh advocate - even fight for - the very Citizen input he now shuts down in public meetings?

Let’s rewind the tape for Mr. Walsh shall we? Did he actually lobby to put in a sentence on the public agenda that allows Citizens to speak on any agenda item in 2015? Yes, and he was leading the charge.

Fast forward to 2024 and Mayor Walsh is blocking Citizens from speaking during City Council meetings. Why? Perhaps he doesn’t like what they are going to say? As our city leader, why can’t he set a good example and uphold what he felt 9 years ago was good policy for the Orono citizens?

Citizens need to attend city council meetings and demand our right to speak and comment on agenda items. Point out to Mayor Walsh that he once upheld our right to comment on items before the city council.

#togetherwearebetter @friendsoforono


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3/11/24 Orono Council Work Session: Walsh, Johnson offended by clapping? They Want Further Citizen Suppression