Long Lake Fire Service has always been the answer!

The Simple, Low Cost Answer = Safe Service with #LLFD

Let’s not tinker with public safety. Let’s not try to fix something that isn’t broken. Let’s not spend tens of millions for a fire fiefdom for #OronoMayorDennyWalsh and Orono Council Member #mariaveach

There isn’t one single reason to move away from Long Lake Fire according to the Orono City Council. Orono City Council members admit that there is nothing wrong with the #longakefiredepartment service.

AND the majority of Orono Citizens do not want the OFD anyway so let’s stop this fire folly and get back to what really works in our community, continuing to contract with the Long Lake Fire Department.

Long Lake is willing to work up a new contract that will cost Orono less and give Orono more say in fire department matters.

Instead of dividing up the communities, stressing out our important public safety responders and getting into lawsuits, the Orono city council members need to get back to the table with LongLake.

There is a simple solution to cure this situation and that is to continue our fire service collaboration with Long Lake. After all “if it's not broke, don’t fix it!"


@friendsoforono #dennywalsh #denniswalsh #llfd #ofd #oronofire #oronofiredepartment #


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