Breaking News: Spend, Spend, Spend

Yet another Orono City project is squandering more taxpayers dollars, and running over the initial estimate by over 46%. During the Monday February 26th, Mayor Walsh and his council majority will ask city council to vote for a temporary fire shelter next to the Navarre Station #2.

Of course this fire addition is coming in well above what Orono City Administrator Adam Edward’s initially told the public - which was $750,000. Now Edwards wants the council to approve a hastily-built structure for $1,147,000. Who is looking out for the taxpayer?

This capital expenditure is coming way over budget due to Mayor Walsh’s poor planning and desperate attempt to start an Orono fire department. This is just the beginning of millions to be spent to try and make this duplicate fire department a reality.

#spendydenny #togetherwearebetter #friendsoforono


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