Orono Mayor Walsh “It’s all about the money.”
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Orono Mayor Walsh “It’s all about the money.”

Mayor Walsh says Orono Golf Pavilion is all about Revenue to the City

So now your Lions Clubs International Donations are about making revenue for the wealthiest per capita City in Minnesota? Orono?

Tell the Orono Lions to do the right thing - Give $40k to the needy and not to the For Profit Golf Course that doesn't need it.

#togetherwearebetter @friendsoforono

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Orono’s “Taj Mahal” Public Works Open House
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Orono’s “Taj Mahal” Public Works Open House

So here's the truth about the Taj Mahal and a budget overrun of nearly double: https://www.facebook.com/reel/297723062767698

This ridiculously large and frankly warehouse style building now sits as the monument to the Walsh regime. Unattractive? Too large for a City of around 3200 homes losing population for the last three years? No one wants to buy services from Orono now until there's a new administration City of Orono, Minnesota Government

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Breaking News: Spend, Spend, Spend
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Breaking News: Spend, Spend, Spend

Breaking News: Spend, Spend, Spend

Yet another Orono City project is squandering more taxpayers dollars, and running over the initial estimate by over 46%. During the Monday February 26th, Mayor Walsh and his council majority will ask city council to vote for a temporary fire shelter next to the Navarre Station #2.

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What has Orono become at the hands of Mayor Walsh's imagination?
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

What has Orono become at the hands of Mayor Walsh's imagination?

During the 2/12/24 City Council meeting, Mayor Walsh spoke of “imagining” all sorts of spending opportunities for Orono. Before he was mayor, he had a different tune. In 2011, he is on record saying “his goals are that the City lives within what they have and that they need to start saying no to different expenditures unless the residents are convinced we absolutely need it”.

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