Is a lean-to garage really safe as a Fire Station in Navarre?

Orono is setting up its new fire department on a hope and a prayer

At Monday night’s meeting, Orono City Council will be discussing whether they are able to start their own controversial fire department slated for the Navarre service area this July 1st.

The hope is that they can park their equipment in a yet-to-be-built garage next to the Navarre water tower.

The hope is that the nine firefighter staff can get more recruits in the coming months as some on this small team will continue to work as Long Lake firefighters, too.

The hope is that their three fire trucks will be sufficient to handle emergencies - one truck is a ladder truck which will be difficult to maneuver in tight neighborhoods.

And their biggest hope is that the Long Lake Fire Department will come to their aid in situations that they will be woefully understaffed.

Prayers will be needed that this hastily-organized small band of firefighters can do the job. Prayers for the community that may be at more risk.

And especially prayers for the firefighters who will be doing their jobs without having a fire station, extensive training as a new group, and very little equipment to support them.

Orono Citizens! Now is the time to voice your concerns. Come to Monday’s council meeting at 6:00 pm to hear more about this very important proposed change that affects public safety

#togetherwearebetter @friendsoforono


Why doesn't Council member Veach follow our laws?


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