Do you know how much you are paying for the SUPERSIZED Public Works Building?
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Do you know how much you are paying for the SUPERSIZED Public Works Building?

Orono sewer and water users are now paying for part of the project overrun on the new, oversized Public Works Building. Originally proposed at $11 million, the building was then supersized by Mayor Walsh with the goal of it “serving the city for 100 years”.

The city then naively bonded for $13 million only to have the first round of construction bids came in at $18 million. Walsh and staff then scrambled to find things to cut from the project to add back in at later dates.

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Say No to Christmas Fireworks in Orono
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Say No to Christmas Fireworks in Orono

Orono City Council does it again. Sets off thousands of dollars of Fireworks on the wrong holiday for their own enjoyment. Citizens are voicing their concerns here:

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Long Lake Files Motion and supports "threatened" Firefighter in Hennepin County Court 10/13/23
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Long Lake Files Motion and supports "threatened" Firefighter in Hennepin County Court 10/13/23

The City of Long Lake files a motion for order to show cause and a supporting memorandum of law today in Hennepin County District Court. A hearing scheduled for matter will be held November 8th regarding the recruitment and hiring of Long Lake Firefighters.

Of special note is Long Lake's support for a Firefighter who has been threatened and apparently bullied on social media by the Orono Mayor Dennis Walsh.

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Why doesn't Maria Veach Recuse herself from all Fire Related Matters?
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Why doesn't Maria Veach Recuse herself from all Fire Related Matters?

What is a conflict of interest?

A conflict of interest is a situation in which a person or organization has two or more competing interests. When a conflict of interest occurs, the person or team can't perform their duties appropriately because it could mean betraying their interests to one of the parties within the situation. When such a situation arises, it's often a legal requirement for the primary party to remove themselves.

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How is Mayor Walsh Funding his Pet Projects?
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

How is Mayor Walsh Funding his Pet Projects?

Our Orono taxes are proposed to rise again this year. The city council wants to approve a 12% increase in property taxes for next year and this is on top of increased utility fees. Our Sewer rates are the 2nd highest in the West Metro. Our Water rates are higher than needed.

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Orono Council member Richard Crosby in his own words
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Orono Council member Richard Crosby in his own words

Orono Council member #RichardCrosby (RC): How does he come up with these statements?

RC: “I believe that the two people that are in the negotiating positions, which are Matt (Johnson) and Maria (Veach), should be the people attending this meeting. Without a doubt.”

Really Mr. Crosby? Well we have a lot more than doubt about this whole arrangement because Maria Veach’s husband is a fire firefighter and she has a clear Conflict of Interest on any fire related committee or meeting.

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Stop Orono Grant Funding for Parks We Don't Want
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Stop Orono Grant Funding for Parks We Don't Want

Orono City Council and Park Commission are trying to railroad through a Park Plan without Citizen input for grant applications. Once these applications are funded, the Park must include those features to which the grant applies i.e. Softball Field and yet another Soccer field.

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What is a Conservative?
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

What is a Conservative?

Council member Richard F. Crosby II - Conservative No More? How does #richardcrosby come up with these statements? He said during the 7/24/23 City Council meeting, “Am I a conservative? Yes.” Really Mr. Crosby? Because you are spending taxpayer dollars like Orono money grows on trees.

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Let's see all the Hackberry Park Concepts - Orono Citizens Paid for them
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Let's see all the Hackberry Park Concepts - Orono Citizens Paid for them

Why is Brian Roath initiating Hackberry Park Concept before showing Citizens the Options?

Monday, August 7, 2023 Roath does it again. “This is one of the concepts that Bolton & Menk brought to us. This is the one that we chose to start running with.” That’s right, a few individuals - namely Park Commissioner Brian Roath and Park Commissioner Gordy Stofer with Mayor Walsh watching from the back row decided the Hackberry Park park concept for you.

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Orono Taxes are Going Up AGAIN!
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Orono Taxes are Going Up AGAIN!

Orono Residents! Your #Taxes are about to go up AGAIN!

Mayor Walsh likes to spin the tax story to the fact that he hasn’t raised the tax rate, but your home values are going up every single year so your taxes are going up along with that trend.

#spendydenny could lower your tax rate like sister cities Deephaven, Shorewood and Minnetrista but no, he needs more funding for his multi million dollar boondoggles.

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Where's the Budget? Another omission by Orono Mayor Walsh
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Where's the Budget? Another omission by Orono Mayor Walsh

Finally the Orono citizens get some info in the city newsletter about this radical idea to change the city’s fire service. Mayor Walsh claims that the fire contract ended, but in reality he decided to not extend it or work with Long Lake to negotiate a revised one. That's a big difference as far as intention goes.

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What’s the biggest issue facing Orono right now? Debt.
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

What’s the biggest issue facing Orono right now? Debt.

What’s the biggest issue facing Orono right now?

Debt. Orono is in debt to more than double we ever have been and that debt is going to possibly grow with further overruns on projects that we didn’t vote for.

We need Citizens to come to City Council meetings and speak about our fiscal situation. No matter how Mayor Walsh spins the tale, we are in massive debt for years to come with high interest payments more than ever before.

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Where is Orono's Fiscally Conservative Leadership?
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Where is Orono's Fiscally Conservative Leadership?

It’s not Orono Mayor #SpendyDenny Walsh who wants to spend millions more of your tax dollars for a duplicate Fire Department we don’t want or need. This after placing Orono in higher debt than ever in history - $19 million plus interest - #MayorDennisWalsh raised city taxes 20.77%. last year.

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Important Orono Meeting! 5/22/23
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Important Orono Meeting! 5/22/23

Do not miss this meeting at 6 p.m.! If you care about your taxes going up and fire service in our community ie: your insurance premiums going up please attend and make your voices heard!

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Happy Mother’s Day!
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Happy Mother’s Day!

All along the Luce Line Trail there are patches of blooming Bloodroot. This little white single flower is nested with lobed leaves. The flower only lasts a day or two so if you see these it's a lucky sighting.

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