Doesn't the Orono Planning Commission Adjudicate Every Meeting?

Orono Planning Commissioner #JonRessler used this word to slide by speaking up for Orono citizens at the May 15 Orono Planning Commission meeting. Adjudicate means to “make a formal judgment or decision about a problem or disputed matter,” which is exactly what the Planning Commission is in place to do in Orono.

From the Orono website: “The Planning Commission conducts public hearings to receive public comments on development proposals, subdivisions, zoning ordinance amendments, variances, re-zonings (sic), and conditional use permits.”

The fact is that Orono did not notify citizens properly on the website, nor on the email that was sent to citizens. Mr. Johnson’s application was listed under “Old Business'' with the wrong title on the agenda. Mr. Johnson’s application was not listed under public hearings, so many people thought it would not be presented as a public hearing. 

From Friday to Monday morning this agenda was live on the city website and magically it got changed within less than 8 hours before the meeting. This is clearly improper notification.

According to proper procedure, Mr. Ressler and the rest of the Planning Commission should have tabled the matter for citizens to be properly notified via email and through the city website which is where the vast majority of citizens get their information.

Mr. Ressler and Orono Planning Commission; you apparently adjudicated against the citizens of Orono, our standing municipal process, and we have taken note. Here are the rest of commissioners that went along with Mr. Ressler: #MattMcCutcheon, #GaryKraemer, #ChrisBollis, #BobErickson, #DennisLibby, #ScottKirchner while #mayordennywalsh watched from audience


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