Orono Struggles with Communication to Citizens Again
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Orono Struggles with Communication to Citizens Again

On Thursday 1/18/24, the City of Orono sent out a notice for this Monday’s City Council meeting. There was an attached two-page agenda. What wasn’t included was a link to the 200+ page packet on information that appeared separately on the City website.

Why isn’t Orono trying to help its citizens learn about city matters?

Is this another example of citizen suppression of information?

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Is Council member Matt Johnson misleading Orono Citizens?
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Is Council member Matt Johnson misleading Orono Citizens?

Orono City Council member Matt Johnson disparaged a fellow City Council member not once, but twice during the 8/28/23 City Council meeting.

Johnson belittled Citizens by making fun of their comments, their demeanor and even how they walk from the City Chambers.

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Where is Victoria Seals Statement to the Citizens?
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Where is Victoria Seals Statement to the Citizens?

Victoria Seals, why didn’t you resign publicly? Why haven’t the citizens of Orono heard why you are resigning? Not notifying the citizens of your planned resignation under the mayor/council agenda or at the very least putting out a written resignation is not fair to those you have served.

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“Walsh said city elections are sufficient public engagement”
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

“Walsh said city elections are sufficient public engagement”

Orono was not a kingdom nor an empire and yet, the citizens of Orono are treated as subjects with little rights to voice their opinions and participate in the process of their own government.

Mayor Walsh said elections replace citizen input yet he wonders why there is so much discontent in Orono.

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Orono's Apparent Conflicts of Interest
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Orono's Apparent Conflicts of Interest

Let us count some of many ways it appears there are conflicts of interest in Orono:

1) #MayorDennisWalsh will not survey the Orono citizens, nor will he listen to repeated requests for budget information regarding two of Orono’s largest projects ie: “The Taj Mahal Maintenance Shed” and the Duplicate Fire Department. Clearly, he appears to have his own agenda, and isn’t this in direct conflict with his duties as Orono Mayor to act on behalf of the citizens?

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Happy Mother’s Day!
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Happy Mother’s Day!

All along the Luce Line Trail there are patches of blooming Bloodroot. This little white single flower is nested with lobed leaves. The flower only lasts a day or two so if you see these it's a lucky sighting.

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Were Orono’s Debt Promises Broken?
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Were Orono’s Debt Promises Broken?

The @Vote4DennyWalsh web page Promises:

“We are on track to be debt free in 7 more years”...oh if only that were true. Now our debt won’t be paid off for 25 years with the interest payment of approximately 5 million.

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