City of Orono Confirms New Public Works is Not Green

Shocking isn’t it?

Mayor #DennyWalsh says that he’s building Orono for the next 100 years, and apparently without clean energy nor sustainability. Leaving citizens to wonder what is planned for our $16+ million “Taj Mahal” Public Works building.

This was confirmed in the 3/13/23 City Council meeting which can be viewed on our Youtube Channel here: Please skip to about minute 2 hours 19 minutes to see the confirmation.

How can we spend so much money without apparent consideration of sustainability or clean energy? Because the citizens of Orono haven’t seen the plans yet. There hasn’t been one Open House nor separate public hearing to view the plans and ask questions.

This is normal for a city to initiate and secure such a large $16+ million bond without including the citizens? No, it is not.

It’s not too late to make your voices heard. Please attend the next City Council meeting because the city is about to break ground on their largest expenditure ever without your input in April.


NWHLM Letter Negates Mayor Comments


Divided We Fall