Where is Victoria Seals Statement to the Citizens?

Victoria Seals, why didn’t you resign publicly? Why haven’t the citizens of Orono heard why you are resigning?

Not notifying the citizens of your planned resignation under the mayor/council report, or at the very least, putting out a written resignation is not fair to those you have served.

Instead, we have to read Mayor Walsh's explanation for your resignation in the snail mail local paper. Why didn’t the Laker Pioneer ask for a comment from you? Why is Mayor Walsh the only person quoted? If family were really the reason you resigned, that should have been announced in front of the public in a recorded meeting.

Don’t the citizens deserve to know why you have decided to leave the council, especially now that you were a member of the fire issue negotiating team?

This all makes us wonder if you were forced out. We, the citizens of Orono deserve better from our elected leaders. #transparency


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