“Walsh said city elections are sufficient public engagement”

“Walsh said city elections are sufficient public engagement” Star Tribune 5/23/23

Orono was not a kingdom nor an empire and yet, the citizens of Orono are treated as subjects with little rights to voice their opinions and participate in the process of their own government.

Mayor Walsh said elections replace citizen input yet he wonders why there is so much discontent in Orono.

And this statement comes from the mayor who changed Orono’s long-standing mayor’s term from two to four years on a consent agenda.

It is going to be a long time between elections therefore a long time before any citizen input can happen now in his eyes.

All the better to be King of the Island of Orono.


Do you want Tires or Turtles in Orono wetlands, woods and streams?


Breaking News: Orono City Council member Victoria Seals Resigns 5/23/23