Ask #MayorWalsh to Listen to the Majority of Citizens

Do you think it's ok to Silence the Majority of voters?

Well ,that's exactly what #mayorwalsh did in the 6/12/23 City Council meeting. Watch the moment here at about minute 30

In 2022 Orono citizens voted in Alisa Benson by a large majority and yet Mayor Walsh did not allow her to speak - thereby silencing the citizens who voted her to represent them.

Not only were the majority of voting citizens shut down about the Fire Department, they were shut down about the new City Council member appointment #MariaVeach

No discussion by council member Benson was allowed regarding these critically important issues, thereby depraving 2484 Orono voters of their voices.

Mayor Walsh has said that “elections” are where the citizens have input. Well in that case Mr. Mayor, why are you not living up to your own words? Silence and hypocrisy are not serving our city well.

#richardcrosby #mattjohnson and #denniswalsh you are the voting minority. We need Orono Citizens to attend the next City Council meeting 6/26/23 to make your majority voices heard.


Stop Mayor Walsh's Runaway Spending: Ask for Fiscal Conservancy Now


Orono Citizens' Voices Need to be Heard