Orange Boundary Marks the Duplicate “Pop Up” Fire Service

If you live within the area marked within the orange boundary on the map you may be in for a big surprise. #MayorWalsh is going to try to serve this area with a startup and very much unproven Duplicate Orono Fire Department.

There is high probability that your homeowner’s insurance premiums will rise because you will now be serviced by a tiny, novice fire department with little to no prior experience.

We know there is absolutely nothing wrong with the Long Lake Fire Department, and renegotiating the funding in the contract will save Orono money and would avoid the millions upon millions of dollars required in building a whole new department. Do you want higher taxes to pay for this?

Tell #spendydenny you do not want your fire service to change from the established, experienced department to a fire service he will control. Let's leave quacking ducks where they belong - in Lake Minnetonka not on a firetruck.


Apparently Council member Johnson is not Walking His Talk


New Orono City Council member Does Not Recuse Herself