Apparently Council member Johnson is not Walking His Talk

Often, Orono Council member #MattJohnson engages in crosstalk during the mayor/council report. He uses this time to tear down fellow council members rather than giving his own report.

Why does he do that? Why does he feel obligated to bully people and defend the mayor? Does it have to do with the fact that Mayor Walsh paid for Matt Johnson's entire city council campaign?

Mayor Walsh paid for all Johnson's yard signs including large signs that were everywhere in Orono and beyond. Since Matt Johnson’s second term appears to be bought and paid for by Mayor Walsh, does Johnson feel that he has obligations to the Mayor?

After all, Johnson cannot claim he is his own man after having accepted all his campaign donations from one person instead of reaching out to the community for support and abiding by normal campaign fundraising.

That was not how Orono citizens wanted their council elections conducted and for sure not the decorum they want their city council meetings to have now. Matt Johnson’s desire to be angry in support of his number one and only campaign donor, #MayorWalsh is sure rearing its ugly head.

And the saddest thing is that with all that money and lawn signs plastered everywhere during the last election, Matt Johnson still came in second to Alisa Benson.

This shows that Orono citizens care more about electing leaders with common sense and integrity versus some one who appeared to compromise himself by being bought and sold by one individual, #mayordenniswalsh.

Want to read more about #misappropriationmatt ? See our website page here:


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