Where's the Budget? Another omission by Orono Mayor Walsh

Finally the Orono citizens get some info in the city newsletter about this radical idea to change the city’s fire service. Mayor Walsh claims that the fire contract ended, but in reality he decided to not extend it or work with Long Lake to negotiate a revised one. That's a big difference as far as intention goes.

He wants to go it alone, and put the Orono taxpayers on the hook to fund his desire for a multimillion dollar expense. Notice how the newsletter fire page is titled “Fire Department facts from the Mayor”. This is a strong arm maneuver by him without staff support or citizen input. He is telling you what he is going to do.

This runs counter to how Orono should be governed. Orono is considered a “weak mayor” city where the mayor is supposed to be just one of five votes and not have solo or veto power.

Please check out Oronocitymatters.org or figureoutfire.com or friendsofOrono.org to get more concise information. This is a wonderful way to get factual information. The more we know, the more we can re-establish Orono as a Fiscally Conservative City it once was. #togetherwearebetter


Happy Independence Day!


Apparently Council member Johnson is not Walking His Talk