Orono Citizen writes concern about Orono's Fire Services
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Orono Citizen writes concern about Orono's Fire Services

10 Reasons why everyone should be paying attention to this issue and the lack of process, lawsuit, extraordinary expenditures without Citizen input and the clear taxpayer opposition to such a move.

If you have concerns, please comment below and share this article with fellow residents. It's never too late for Safety in our community.

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Citizens speak out against Orono Fire - top concerns are safety, response times, training, temp fire garage as fire house?
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Citizens speak out against Orono Fire - top concerns are safety, response times, training, temp fire garage as fire house?

On March 11, 2024, Orono Citizen, Kelly P. addressed the Orono City Council about her concerns related to the future of fire service for the City of Orono. She specifically spoke about concerns regarding the July 1, 2024 change in service for the Navarre area requested by the City of Orono.

For over 20 years the Long Lake Fire Department has effectively served Navarre, but In just 16 weeks the untested and unestablished, Orono Fire Department will respond to emergency calls the area.

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Say No to Christmas Fireworks in Orono
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Say No to Christmas Fireworks in Orono

Orono City Council does it again. Sets off thousands of dollars of Fireworks on the wrong holiday for their own enjoyment. Citizens are voicing their concerns here: https://www.friendsoforono.org/oronosunrest

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$2.66 Million from Utilities is paying for other Orono Projects?
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

$2.66 Million from Utilities is paying for other Orono Projects?

It’s a Budget Shell Game isn’t it? Are Orono Utility Rates so high they are funding other projects?

Under Mayor Walsh, the usage rates for Orono’s sewer and water has increased to the point that it has created a large surplus. Instead of reducing fees, Walsh is proposing taking $1.66 million from the sewer fund and $1 million from the water fund to make up budget deficits he has created with his oversized public works building and startup fire department.

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Is Orono's New Public Works Building running 30% over budget?
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Is Orono's New Public Works Building running 30% over budget?

Orono has designed a Giant Public Works building that is double the size of the existing Public Works facility. Why build double the space with virtually no increase in population or no justification in analysis?

These are good questions, and now we see the budget for this project has grown nearly 30%? This brand new building was bonded at $13 million. Then apparently bid at $16 million, and now looks like it will cost somewhere around $21+ million including interest.

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Long Lake Files Motion and supports "threatened" Firefighter in Hennepin County Court 10/13/23
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Long Lake Files Motion and supports "threatened" Firefighter in Hennepin County Court 10/13/23

The City of Long Lake files a motion for order to show cause and a supporting memorandum of law today in Hennepin County District Court. A hearing scheduled for matter will be held November 8th regarding the recruitment and hiring of Long Lake Firefighters.

Of special note is Long Lake's support for a Firefighter who has been threatened and apparently bullied on social media by the Orono Mayor Dennis Walsh.

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Who is Maria Veach? What are her motivations?
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Who is Maria Veach? What are her motivations?

Something just isn’t right with Orono City Council member Maria Veach. She has two more conflicts of interest added to her list of seven.

The Orono City Council is hiring her Long Lake Firefighter husband on Monday, October 9, 2023. Why is she not recusing herself from all Fire related voting and negotiation?

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Where's the Budget? Another omission by Orono Mayor Walsh
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Where's the Budget? Another omission by Orono Mayor Walsh

Finally the Orono citizens get some info in the city newsletter about this radical idea to change the city’s fire service. Mayor Walsh claims that the fire contract ended, but in reality he decided to not extend it or work with Long Lake to negotiate a revised one. That's a big difference as far as intention goes.

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Tell Mayor Walsh to stop promoting the Fictitious Duplicate Fire Service
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Tell Mayor Walsh to stop promoting the Fictitious Duplicate Fire Service

Is the Orono Fire Department for real?

Not according to the State Fire MarshalNot according to the Minnesota State Legislature

Not according to sister cities around us

Not according to the pension funding

Not according to the Long Lake Fire Fighters

Not according to 722 citizens that signed the petition https://www.change.org/p/figure-out-fire-keep-long-lake-firefighters-serving-together

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How many Millions are Orono Citizens going to let Mayor Walsh run over?
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

How many Millions are Orono Citizens going to let Mayor Walsh run over?

Ever heard the comment you are up to your eyeballs in debt? Well that may very well be the case already in Orono. If #spendydenny Walsh gets his new duplicate fire department this coming Monday, he apparently will spend anywhere from $7 million up to $15 million as estimated by former Firefighters.

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Important Orono Meeting! 5/22/23
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Important Orono Meeting! 5/22/23

Do not miss this meeting at 6 p.m.! If you care about your taxes going up and fire service in our community ie: your insurance premiums going up please attend and make your voices heard!

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Orono In the News
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Orono In the News

A sourced and somewhat detailed account of the Orono’s City Council and Mayor Dennis Walsh. There’s been a lot of unrest in Orono lately and this article helps to spell out some lack of transparency, some criminal complaints and lawsuits pending against the city.

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