Is Orono's New Public Works Building running 30% over budget?

Orono has designed a Giant Public Works building that is double the size of the existing Public Works facility. Why build double the space with virtually no increase in population or no justification in analysis?

These are good questions, and now we see the budget for this project has grown nearly 30%? This brand new building was bonded at $13 million. Then apparently bid at $16 million, and now looks like it will cost somewhere around $21+ million including interest.

It does not appear Orono did a cost analysis of a remodel of the existing Public Works Building vs. a New Build. And Orono did not share the design with Citizens - either in a public hearing nor in the newsletter. Why was this project kept out of the public’s eye? Nor did Orono prioritize sustainable elements like solar panels. Why hasn’t this building plan been more carefully thought out? Orono ended up having to fill in a wetland for this project and it costs the Citizens an additional $100K. The city still needs to find $1.3 million to finish the project with items, such as the road salt shed, that was purposely left out of the final bid due to cost overruns.

Who is benefitting from this building? Are the Citizens benefiting 30% more in Public Works Services? Will the Citizens see an improvement in their public services or will the Citizens be paying more than ever before for Public Works?

Come to the next Orono City Council meeting to ask these and any other questions you have about the city finances. Pay attention to the city’s Truth-in-Taxation public hearing coming up on December 11th.

#togetherwearebetter #citizensfororono #friendsoforono


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