Beautiful Orono! 2024 is the Renaissance Year
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Beautiful Orono! 2024 is the Renaissance Year

Orono's natural resources - including Lake Minnetonka, our wetlands and woods - are some of the reasons we love our home so much.

Let's make sure that 2024 is the Renaissance Year to vote for our environment and not against it.

Let's stop clearcutting trees and paving over our parks for niche activities.

Let's replant trees to offset our massive Ash tree losses, plant pollinator gardens and reforest our woods.

Keeping Orono's natural beauty for generations to come will be on the ballot this fall.

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Is Orono's New Public Works Building running 30% over budget?
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Is Orono's New Public Works Building running 30% over budget?

Orono has designed a Giant Public Works building that is double the size of the existing Public Works facility. Why build double the space with virtually no increase in population or no justification in analysis?

These are good questions, and now we see the budget for this project has grown nearly 30%? This brand new building was bonded at $13 million. Then apparently bid at $16 million, and now looks like it will cost somewhere around $21+ million including interest.

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Why is Walsh Eliminating T-Ball from Orono?
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Why is Walsh Eliminating T-Ball from Orono?

Why would Mayor #DennisWalsh want to take away historic T-ball away from Orono? Is it because he needs funds to develop Hackberry Park? What this means is that T-ball will be wiped away from play in Orono all together. There are no other T-ball fields in Orono.

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What is a Conservative?
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

What is a Conservative?

Council member Richard F. Crosby II - Conservative No More? How does #richardcrosby come up with these statements? He said during the 7/24/23 City Council meeting, “Am I a conservative? Yes.” Really Mr. Crosby? Because you are spending taxpayer dollars like Orono money grows on trees.

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Happy Mother’s Day!
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Happy Mother’s Day!

All along the Luce Line Trail there are patches of blooming Bloodroot. This little white single flower is nested with lobed leaves. The flower only lasts a day or two so if you see these it's a lucky sighting.

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