$2.66 Million from Utilities is paying for other Orono Projects?

It’s a Budget Shell Game isn’t it? Are Orono Utility Rates so high they are funding other projects?

Under Mayor Walsh, the usage rates for Orono’s sewer and water has increased to the point that it has created a large surplus. Instead of reducing fees, Walsh is proposing taking $1.66 million from the sewer fund and $1 million from the water fund to make up budget deficits he has created with his oversized public works building and startup fire department.

Instead of lowering utility fees since the funds are fully capitalized, he is using your monthly utility fees to fund his other expensive projects. Orono citizens expect to pay the right amount to keep the utilities operational but not to create a slush fund the mayor can take from to finance other city activities.

Orono’s annual sewer cost of $758 is the second highest in the metro area and has a sewer fund balance of over 3 million. If the money transfers out of these two funds occur, the surpluses will diminish, especially the sewer fund which will then be reduced to $696,000!

What does that mean for sewer customers- higher rates on the horizon to keep the fund operational.

Don’t be duped by paying higher utility rates on top of a higher tax levy. Time to speak up and demand the overspending and money transfers stop. Ask Mayor Walsh to get back to fiscal responsibility and stop the Orono Budget Shell Game.

#FiscalResponsibility #togetherwearebetter #friendsoforono


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