Only Orono Citizens Know

During the March 21st Orono City Council meeting, (video attached) a citizen said that she “knew” that the vast majority of Orono Citizens thought the current City Council was doing a good job.

The sad fact is no one knows what the majority of Orono citizens are thinking because they haven’t been surveyed in 15 years.

For clues, let’s look at the current situation. There are numerous criminal complaints, civil and federal lawsuits pending right now against the City of Orono and some of the City officials including #MayorDennisWalsh

.These legal actions are due to ceded land to city officials, trespassing on private property, malicious prosecution, lack of due process, damage to natural resources, etc. There is so much outrage the Hennepin County Sheriff, the State Auditor, the FBI, and the Minnesota State’s Attorney have all been contacted, and in some cases, more than once.

The only way out of this chaos is to independently, scientifically survey the citizens of Orono city wide or wait until all these investigations and lawsuits come to conclusion and then these vote these individuals out of office.

To say our fair city is running well is more than a stretch, it appears to be the farthest thing from reality. And now add to all this by opening your recent property valuations and remember that our City Council raised our city taxes to over 20% which is double the state average of 9%.

Not only are we living with this chaos - we are paying for it, too.


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