Are Orono Citizens First or Last?

There are a lot of words typed up in the new edition of Orono Happenings. Perhaps the most important words are “My moto(sic) is Citizen 1st and that will never change.”

1) Why aren’t Citizens 1st regarding the Long Lake Fire Department?

Where is the Open House? The Public Hearing? The Budget? The Communication?

2) Why aren’t Citizens 1st regarding the New Public Works Facility?

Where is the Open House? The Public Hearing? The Budget? The Communication?

3) Why weren’t Citizens 1st at Summit Beach Park?

It was the Long Lake Rowing Club that the Orono Council let explore the possibility of building their own private 7600+ sq. foot boathouse on public parkland until citizens put a stop to it.

4) Why aren’t Citizens 1st at Orono Golf Course?

Why are a small group of people allowed to put in hardcover on the golf course to have their own sports complex? And Orono citizens would have to pay for it?

5) Why weren’t Citizens 1st at Bederwood or Lowry Woods Nature Conservation Area?

Why did the city council give away this land to be developed by a community ed team for public mountain bike courses? Where was the Open House? The Communication?

6) Why aren’t Citizens 1st at Orono City Council meetings?

Citizens are last to speak on every council agenda and held to only 3 minutes to make their voices heard.

7) And finally, but not exhaustively, why are Citizens the last item listed on Orono Happenings?

Maybe it’s just the end of a pretty consistent larger message that Citizens are actually last in Orono.


Only Orono Citizens Know


Grab a Shovel Orono