Orono In the News

The latest article about Orono and our Mayor and City Council is featured in the Lake Minnetonka Navigator is posted under our Orono’s Unrest page. The story begins over a decade ago when #DennisWalsh was a City Council member. The story continues to wind story through various individuals - some previous city council members, former Mayors, and prominent citizens. Numerous lawsuits and complaints later, the Citizens of Orono are now realizing their Parks and Public Lands are targeted for development and there is not a Climate or Environmental Plan in place for our City.

What’s next? We need Orono Citizens to come to City Council meetings to have your voice heard. This is necessary to build a future for our next generations. Our natural resources are in peril and if we do not pay attention to what is happening now, we won’t be able to get those back. Tell our City Council to stop spending funds on developments we do not want and to start spending funds on the stewardship and preservation of Orono.


The Numbers Don’t Lie


Only Orono Citizens Know