The Numbers Don’t Lie

The numbers in Orono don’t lie, however, the chaos around them confuses the truth.

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There were seven email messages sent out regarding the first Orono Golf Course Listening Session by the City of Orono. There were ZERO messages sent out announcing the project in November 2022 which was two months after they applied for a youth grant.

Orono Park Commissioner CoChair #CameronPorter “this got presented to staff. I’m like how did that happen?” - January 24, 2023 City of Orono Golf Course Listening Session.

Good question Mr. Porter - when and who brought this to City Staff? Is the Orono Golf Course project just like Summit Beach?

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Over 941 plus individuals signed petitions, wrote on comment cards and turned in letters to Orono to ask that Pickleball find a new venue.

There were approximately 25 individuals that may or may not be residents that came to a meeting, or maybe two, and said they wanted Pickleball Courts in Orono.

Nearly 38 times as many people have said no to Pickleball at the Golf Course than have said yes.

Orono Park Commissioner Sandra Rasmussen wrote “Just because someone says something doesn’t make it true. Just because they say it with self-righteous indignation doesn’t make it right. Just because they say it loudly and persistently doesn’t make it the popular opinion.” - letter presented in the 3/6/23 Parks Commission Meeting.

We’d actually like the Park Commission to go by the numbers and not by a much smaller audience that wants to spend our taxpayer funds.

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During at least six meetings, over the course of the last several months, Orono Citizens have voiced their concerns about property devaluation, noise, fiscal conservancy and communication transparency. None of these issues have been addressed, explained or justified in this poorly planned Orono Golf Course project.

Orono Park Commissioner Sandra Rasmussen “I have seen in writing neighbors express concern that the presence of pickleball at the OGC will reduce their property values. I believe the opposite could be equally true. The point is….we don’t know.” letter presented in the 3/6/23 Parks Commission Meeting.

Ms. Rasmussen, isn’t it the Parks Commission and the job of City Staff to perform thorough research before spending hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars?

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The City of Orono has spent $27,000+ taxpayer funds on this ill conceived degradation of the Golf Course instead of maintaining the asset. Why? Orono Park Commissioner Cameron Porter says it’s because of the internal process with City Staff. The Orono Golf Course “is not run as a business, it’s run as a park.” - January 24, 2023 City of Orono Golf Course Listening Session.

Couldn’t a change in process be a lot less expensive than a $600,000k+ buildout? Shouldn't the Golf Course be run like a business and maintained as an asset?

Let's ask for fiscal clarity and responsibility, long-range planning and consideration of citizen's desires. Ask for a city wide, scientific survey of Orono citizens before one more decision is made - no one knows what the citizens want but the citizens themselves. Let's stop spending good money after bad for projects placed in venues that aren't the best fit for everyone.

What’s next? We need Orono Citizens to come to City Council meetings to have your voice heard. This is necessary to build a future for our next generations. Our natural resources are in peril and if we do not pay attention to what is happening now, we won’t be able to get those back. Tell our City Council to stop spending funds on developments we do not want and to start spending funds on the stewardship and preservation of Orono.


Are We Done Yet? What is the budget for the new Public Works Building?


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