Tell Mayor Walsh to stop promoting the Fictitious Duplicate Fire Service

If it walks like a duck, looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, is it a duck? Is the Orono Fire Department for real?

Not according to the State Fire Marshal

Not according to the Minnesota State Legislature

Not according to sister cities around us

Not according to the pension funding

Not according to the Long Lake Fire Fighters

Not according to 722 citizens that signed the petition

And yet, #spendydenny keeps buying bits and pieces of fire equipment for his fictitious department out of taxpayers’ pockets and says he’s running the entire multi-million dollar budget on “intuition” which is another way of saying his way. Tell #MayorWalsh to stop this boondoggle and start settling the 6 or 7 lawsuits pending against the City of Orono and himself personally. Tell #mayordennywalsh to return Orono to #fiscalconservancy.

And tell #mayordenniswalsh to stop using the Orono Ducks for the fictitious duplicate Fire Service Logo. 


New Orono City Council member Does Not Recuse Herself


Stop Mayor Walsh's Runaway Spending: Ask for Fiscal Conservancy Now