New Orono City Council member Does Not Recuse Herself

It appears that new Orono council member Ms. Veach is not afraid to create a possible conflict of interest with her husband being a Long Lake firefighter. She did not recuse herself prior to a closed legal session discussing the lawsuit between Long Lake and Orono which directly impacts the fire department that her family is involved with. By not recusing herself, she is gaining a privileged legal strategy that will affect the outcome of a government service in which her husband receives a financial benefit from.

Ms Veach was chosen by Walsh, Crosby and Johnson to help promote the ill-fated Orono fire department, setting the city down a path for a multi-million dollar debacle.

Here we go again with a rigged council that apparently has no ethics or integrity or fiscal prudence.

Write to Ms. Veach and copy City Administrator Adam Edwards about this possible conflict of interest:


Orange Boundary Marks the Duplicate “Pop Up” Fire Service


Tell Mayor Walsh to stop promoting the Fictitious Duplicate Fire Service