Citizens Speak Out at 1/8/24 Orono City Council Meeting
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Citizens Speak Out at 1/8/24 Orono City Council Meeting

Krista goes on to make another great point - why belittle the LLFD, and then hire their Chief and several of their Firefighters? This form of double talk to the Citizens of Orono is insulting given the vast expense that Orono taxpayers will be footing for this unnecessary fire department - millions of dollars yet to be finalized and explained in a public manner

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Where's the Budget? Another omission by Orono Mayor Walsh
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Where's the Budget? Another omission by Orono Mayor Walsh

Finally the Orono citizens get some info in the city newsletter about this radical idea to change the city’s fire service. Mayor Walsh claims that the fire contract ended, but in reality he decided to not extend it or work with Long Lake to negotiate a revised one. That's a big difference as far as intention goes.

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