Why is OFD parked in Long Lake? 12 minute drive from Navarre?
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Why is OFD parked in Long Lake? 12 minute drive from Navarre?

What is happening during the day with the Orono Fire Department?

Why are they parked in Long Lake? Isn’t their coverage over in Navarre? That’s a good 12-15 minute drive.

More importantly, what is happening while you Sleep Navarre?

Again, your fire trucks are parked over near Orono High School in the Old Public Works Building just between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. This is at least a 12 minute drive over to Navarre after the fire fighters reach the station.

Does this sound unsafe?

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Orono Fire Department is not Ready
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Orono Fire Department is not Ready

Not ready. Yet another part of the tens of millions of dollar Orono Fire not ready for service on the holiday with the most calls per year - 4th of July. Sadly we hope nothing happens due to the under equipped, understaffed and undertrained fire service that City of Orono is forcing onto Navarre residents. It’s not too late for Mayor Walsh to negotiate with Long Lake. It’s right thing to do for our Citizen’s safety.

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Why are Orono Taxpayers paying a Whopping 7X More for LESS Fire Service?
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Why are Orono Taxpayers paying a Whopping 7X More for LESS Fire Service?

Orono Residents!

How much are you willing to pay per call for Orono Fire Service?

Why does it cost 7X more? For only 1/3 of Orono serviced? Without a boat?

Why aren't the Citizens aware of the tens of millions that Mayor Walsh is spending on service that doesn't have the same coverage as last year?

Stop this apparent inefficient and expensive undertaking and let's get back to what is most important - SAFETY.

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Fire Forum: Long Lake Fire Service Updates
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Fire Forum: Long Lake Fire Service Updates

In case you missed the Long Lake Fire Services Forum, here is the link to the video. Note that as announced publicly at the previous Orono City Council meeting, Council member Alisa Benson did attend the event. Orono Council members #mariaveach and #richardcrosby showed up and apparently broke open meeting law again by creating a quorum (3 members of council). For more about some of the public comments, see our Youtube page at Friends of Orono.

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Orono Citizens! And especially Navarre Residents!
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Orono Citizens! And especially Navarre Residents!

How many Fire Forums has Orono held for You? ZERO.

How many Fire Forums has Long Lake held for You? TWO!!

In other news documented in the attached article we find out that OFD doesn't have boat nor a tanker truck. Did they forget? or Omit? Or?

Does this all seem unplanned and rushed? After all, they are charging tens of millions of dollars for Orono Fire that seems to be missing equipment, a fire house and a full team to do the job.

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Mayor Walsh Disrespects Citizen Views, Again
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Mayor Walsh Disrespects Citizen Views, Again

Here's a fascinating exchange where Mayor Walsh has apparently blocked certain Citizens from commenting. Well we have far more views here than the Mayor's facebook page anyway. Please do comment below! Orono Fire Long Lake Fire Department #denniswalshformayor Thank you Shane for pointing out the obvious - Mayor Walsh apparently refuses to negotiate on any front and that is what will get him voted out this November. #togetherwearebetter Friends of Orono

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Breaking News: Majority of Citizens do not want a Separate Orono Fire Department
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Breaking News: Majority of Citizens do not want a Separate Orono Fire Department

Breaking News: Majority of Citizens do not want an Orono Fire Department

During the 3/11/24 Orono City Council meeting, Orono Council member Alisa Benson presented a tabulation of the citizen comment cards. Calculations show that 26% were for the fire department, 60% were against the fire department and 11% had more questions regarding fire service.

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Citizens Speak Out at 1/8/24 Orono City Council Meeting
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Citizens Speak Out at 1/8/24 Orono City Council Meeting

Krista goes on to make another great point - why belittle the LLFD, and then hire their Chief and several of their Firefighters? This form of double talk to the Citizens of Orono is insulting given the vast expense that Orono taxpayers will be footing for this unnecessary fire department - millions of dollars yet to be finalized and explained in a public manner

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