Why are Orono Taxpayers paying a Whopping 7X More for LESS Fire Service?

Orono Residents!

How much are you willing to pay per call for Orono Fire Service?

Why does it cost 7X more? For only 1/3 of Orono serviced? Without a boat?

Why aren't the Citizens aware of the tens of millions that Mayor Walsh is spending on service that doesn't have the same coverage as last year?

Stop this apparent inefficient and expensive undertaking and let's get back to what is most important - SAFETY.

Tell Mayor Walsh to keep our present ire service by negotiating a new contract with LLFD.

Stop this grandiose idea of having our own fire department - a very risky move for the future of public safety in Orono.

#togetherwearebetter @friendsoforono


Orono Fire Department is not Ready


Who is creeping around your back door? #mariaveach