Who is creeping around your back door? #mariaveach

It might be Orono Council member Maria Veach. Seems she's been emailing and apparently lobbying for Orono Fire behind the scenes with various Fire Fighter wives. Is Ms. Veach lobbying for herself? Orono Fire is the same department her husband works for and will receive a pension from.

Sounds like not only a conflict of interest but also another possible violation of the standing Court order in the Long Lake vs. Orono lawsuit.

When is Ms. Veach going to actually perform the duties of her job as a civil servant and listen to the Citizens instead of trying to get them to spend tens of millions on a duplicate fire department that may be unsafe? #nooronofire

#togetherwearebetter Friends of Orono

Please read all about the lawsuit and the court orders here: https://www.longlakemn.gov/fire-services-updates...


Why are Orono Taxpayers paying a Whopping 7X More for LESS Fire Service?


Fire Forum: Long Lake Fire Service Updates