Why would Mayor Walsh Make up a Quote for Rep. Andrew Myers?

Kelly Grady is a Long Lake Firefighter’s wife and she had reason to respond to Mayor Walsh making an apparently False Statement about Minnesota House of Representatives Andrew Myers.

Kelly found out that Rep. Myers never stated boastful remarks about Orono including that it is the envy of cities all around us. Is Mayor Walsh making up this statement to at best embellish his situation?

With numerous lawsuits pending and many misstatements in his own Orono Happenings Newsletter, perhaps Mayor Walsh needs a fact checker to correct his mistruths.

Kelly also makes an important point that the new Duplicate Fire Department is modeled after a city TEN times the size of Orono. That’s right, we may be paying TEN times the budget for this Fire Folly. We only have 7846 residents in Orono so do you think we need a $20 - $40 million dollar pop up Fire Department?

Mayor Walsh may want his own Fire Department, but the numbers and the logic do not support this venture. This is a costly wish and has the potential to create a public safety risk with this haphazard planning. Where all the money will come from for this endeavor has yet to be determined or properly allocated. And where the Orono fire stations are going to be located is very important to Orono citizens as changes in distance can affect insurance costs and response times.

Please learn more about this radical direction some city council members want to do to change the fire service Orono has had for over 20 years at https://www.figureoutfire.com/. Then come to the Orono council meetings to make your voices heard - do you support paying millions to upset the fire service we presently have?

#togetherwearebetter #friendsoforono #oronocitycouncil #mariaveach #dennywalsh #mattjohnson #richardfcrosby


2nd in our Series: Mayor Walsh Misstatements?


Orono’s LMCD Rep lashes back a Orono Citizens