Orono Citizens! And especially Navarre Residents!
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Orono Citizens! And especially Navarre Residents!

How many Fire Forums has Orono held for You? ZERO.

How many Fire Forums has Long Lake held for You? TWO!!

In other news documented in the attached article we find out that OFD doesn't have boat nor a tanker truck. Did they forget? or Omit? Or?

Does this all seem unplanned and rushed? After all, they are charging tens of millions of dollars for Orono Fire that seems to be missing equipment, a fire house and a full team to do the job.

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Chief Van Eyll blocks Citizens on Social Media
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Chief Van Eyll blocks Citizens on Social Media

Please see the official Orono City Council remarks with the count here: https://youtu.be/Ri4eozm-jL8?si=4QZks2lmt0MFnVVa This information has been available to all for quite some time.

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Orono and Mayor Walsh mixed Social Media Messaging
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Orono and Mayor Walsh mixed Social Media Messaging

Is Mayor Walsh employing Confusion? Control? Why is he reposting Orono City business posts with his own comments? Why not do that on the Orono City Facebook page? Or the Orono Fire page? As a public official is he misusing social media?

Is this further Citizen Suppression that Mayor Walsh seems to have a track record of implementing?

Remember when he changed Citizen comments from 5 minutes to 3 minutes? (contrary to #matthewjohnson's recent comments this move was due to Citizen unrest)

And then placed the Citizen comments at the very end of the meeting?

And in spite, he often schedules a 5 minute recess before the comment period so citizens have to wait that much longer?

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Beautiful Orono! 2024 is the Renaissance Year
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Beautiful Orono! 2024 is the Renaissance Year

Orono's natural resources - including Lake Minnetonka, our wetlands and woods - are some of the reasons we love our home so much.

Let's make sure that 2024 is the Renaissance Year to vote for our environment and not against it.

Let's stop clearcutting trees and paving over our parks for niche activities.

Let's replant trees to offset our massive Ash tree losses, plant pollinator gardens and reforest our woods.

Keeping Orono's natural beauty for generations to come will be on the ballot this fall.

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Breaking News: The City of Orono appears to break Open Meeting Law - again
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Breaking News: The City of Orono appears to break Open Meeting Law - again

Breaking News: The City of Orono appears to break Open Meeting Law - again

When will the City of Orono listen to and care about their Citizens? #dennywalshformayor blocks Citizens from his campaign page posting City Business and then forgets to inform them of upcoming public meeting? This administration appears to have a big problem understanding and respecting their residents.

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Why has Maria Veach flip flopped on her opinion of Orono Fire?
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Why has Maria Veach flip flopped on her opinion of Orono Fire?

Is Maria Veach Misleading the Public?

When Orono Council member Maria Veach spoke on 4/8/24 at the Orono City Council meeting she read a document that we now have up on our website here: https://www.friendsoforono.org/maria-veach-1 There are many misnomers and several misleading statements that we will highlight throughout the coming weeks.

How can Ms. Veach advocate spending several times more for service that is essentially the same or that may be even less safe?

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Cutting Service? Understaffed? Temp Firehouses? Are they Serious?
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Cutting Service? Understaffed? Temp Firehouses? Are they Serious?

Are Orono residents getting the whole fire service story?

Orono’s new fire chief Van Eyll never hired one other paid on-call firefighter during their recruitment campaign other than those from the Long Lake Fire Department (LLFD).

Why is that? Because other departments and cities know about working with Mayor Walsh? Or was it because Walsh was trying to take over the LLFD? Or did outside firefighters not want to work with Van Eyll?

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