Why has Maria Veach flip flopped on her opinion of Orono Fire?

Is Maria Veach Misleading the Public?

When Orono Council member Maria Veach spoke on 4/8/24 at the Orono City Council meeting she read a document that we now have up on our website here: https://www.friendsoforono.org/maria-veach-1 There are many misnomers and several misleading statements that we will highlight throughout the coming weeks.

How can Ms. Veach advocate spending several times more for service that is essentially the same or that may be even less safe?

How can Ms. Veach advocate spending several times more for a relatively small number of calls per year? (311 last year)

How can Ms. Veach advocate for a stand alone, unproven fire department for somewhere around 4X the cost?

How can Ms. Veach say this new and unproven service has “efficiencies” more than contracting with LLFD for many times less the cost?

How can Ms. Veach even discuss the budget when it was clear she hadn’t pulled one together two days later 4/10/24 during the Coffee with the Mayor meeting?

How can Ms. Veach work on financial issues relating to fire when her husband is an Orono Firefighter? #conflictofinterest

How can Ms. Veach justify spending tens of millions for a small town of around 8100 that has lost population for the last three years?

Let’s ask Ms. Veach to stop writing 11- page manifestos and start listening to the Citizens of Orono. Renegotiate the LLFD contract and stop building duplicate services (for your husband? yourself?). Please listen to the people you supposedly represent.

#togetherwearebetter Friends of Orono


The Ugly in Orono - A New Series


Cutting Service? Understaffed? Temp Firehouses? Are they Serious?