Breaking News: The City of Orono appears to break Open Meeting Law - again

When will the City of Orono listen to and care about their Citizens? #dennywalshformayor blocks Citizens from his campaign page posting City Business and then forgets to inform them of upcoming public meeting? This administration appears to have a big problem understanding and respecting their residents.

Is the 4/22/24 Work Session on or not? Where is the cancellation notice? Or the agenda with a packet of information? Why is transparency so difficult for Orono, and not their surrounding sister cities? Is #mayordenniswalsh hiding something?

Why haven't we seen the resignation letters from Firefighters and City employees? Why aren't those documents part of our agenda packets? Why aren't they part of the public record?

Stop hiding behind miscommunication and misleading information - treat the Citizens of Orono as you would treat yourself Mr. Walsh. #electionseason #voteforchange #voteforclarity #togetherwearebetter @friendsoforono


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