Breaking News: The City of Orono is found in Contempt and their motion to strike is DENIED.

Breaking News: The City of Orono is found in Contempt and their motion to strike is DENIED.

"ORDER 1. Plaintiff City of Long Lake’s motion for an order to show cause and for a finding of constructive civil contempt is GRANTED. 2. Defendant City of Orono’s motion to strike is DENIED. 3. Orono shall pay a fine of $2,000 for each instance of any future contact for the purpose of recruitment in violation of the Court’s July 14th Order, between any Orono City officials and any Long Lake firefighters, or any instance of future unilateral planning by Orono with respect to either Fire Station 1 or Fire Station 2, without involving Long Lake in the planning process. 4. Orono shall pay all costs and attorney’s fees incurred by Long Lake in bringing its motion for an order to show cause and for a finding of constructive civil contempt. 5. Further violations of this Court’s July 14th Order on Plaintiff’s Motion for Temporary Relief or this Order for Contempt may result in issuance of a bench warrant or other contempt sanctions. 6. The Court hereby orders the Defendant City of Orono to show cause why it should not be held in contempt for hindering the LLFD in violation of the July 14th Order. 7. The parties shall appear before the Court for a hearing on a date to be scheduled either during the week of November 27, 2023 or on December 13, 2023 on the following issues: (1) Whether Orono’s construction plans are likely to hinder the LLFD within the meaning of the Court’s Order; (2) Whether the hiring of Long Lake firefighters to begin work for the Orono Fire Department has hindered or will hinder the Long Lake Fire Department within the meaning of the Court’s Order. The Court’s clerk will reach out to the parties to schedule the date and time for the hearing. 8. The parties are hereby directed to resume their mediation efforts as directed in the July 14th Order, within 30 days from the date of this order. BY THE COURT: Dated: November 21, 2023 __________________________ Laurie J. Miller Judge of District Court"


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