Mayor Walsh Spends More and More on Failed LLFD Take Over

Mayor Dennis Walsh sure likes to spend taxpayer dollars on his pet projects doesn't he? Now he wants a temporary fire station apparently because his hostile attempt at taking over Long Lake Fire Department failed. He's hoping you don't notice that he's spending more and more funding on a duplicate fire department we don't need.

Why is he so intent on this project that he's willing to split the community, lose a City Council member, alienate our sister cities, place our cash reserves at an all time low and put the Citizens of Orono at greater and greater debt levels? Because he thinks you won't notice.

Please attend City Council meetings to place your voices on the public record. We need that more now than ever!

#togetherwearebetter #citizensfororono #friendsoforono


Stop Orono Grant Funding for Parks We Don't Want


Who puts a parking lot in the middle of a Park?