Why doesn't Maria Veach Recuse herself from all Fire Related Matters?
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Why doesn't Maria Veach Recuse herself from all Fire Related Matters?

What is a conflict of interest?

A conflict of interest is a situation in which a person or organization has two or more competing interests. When a conflict of interest occurs, the person or team can't perform their duties appropriately because it could mean betraying their interests to one of the parties within the situation. When such a situation arises, it's often a legal requirement for the primary party to remove themselves.

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Mayor Walsh Spends More and More on Failed LLFD Take Over
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Mayor Walsh Spends More and More on Failed LLFD Take Over

Mayor Dennis Walsh sure likes to spend taxpayer dollars on his pet projects doesn't he? Now he wants a temporary fire station apparently because his hostile attempt at taking over Long Lake Fire Department failed. He's hoping you don't notice that he's spending more and more funding on a duplicate fire department we don't need.

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The next Preselected Orono City Council member announced
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

The next Preselected Orono City Council member announced

Where is our new City Council woman #mariaveach ? Who is she? Was the June 12th City Council meeting any way to introduce our next City Council member?

Welcome to #dennysworld - where public assets are given away to city officials, where millions of dollars are spent without the public’s vote, where city officials lose their licenses and have numerous criminal complaints and lawsuits both civil and federal pending.

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Citizens Want Fire Decision Reconsidered
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Citizens Want Fire Decision Reconsidered

Citizens Speak Out in the recent Laker Pioneer 6/17/23

This issue will not be over until Orono lays down the autocratic sword and listens to the people. We want our Firefighters together with the Long Lake Fire Department. We want fiscal conservancy and our voices heard.

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