The next Preselected Orono City Council member announced

Where is our new City Council woman #mariaveach ? Who is she? Was the June 12th City Council meeting any way to introduce our next City Council member?

Welcome to #dennysworld - where public assets are given away to city officials, where millions of dollars are spent without the public’s vote, where city officials lose their licenses and have numerous criminal complaints and lawsuits both civil and federal pending.

Unfortunately the three City Council members who decided to appoint you without a public interview made a grave public relations error - again. Because you did not meet the citizens of Orono prior to your appointment, the residents feel very taken advantage of and rightly so.

Nine candidates prepared for the interview, took time out of their week to prep for questions, and graciously attended the meeting June 12th, 2023. Maria Veach was absent. Regardless of the reason, it looks like the appointment of Ms. Veach was predetermined. In fact, there was absolutely no allowed discussion between council members during the work session, nor the city council meeting. All this could have been avoided if the interviews were delayed a week or two.

So Ms. Veach - you are walking into a hornet’s nest. Will you answer the citizen’s questions? Will you be brave enough to stand up for the residents of Orono? Or will you be another “yes” person that votes in the shadow of the three City Council bullies apparently disrespecting our city process and citizens? How honest will you be?

Please do attend the next city council meeting Monday June 26, 2023 for the swearing in of our new council member.


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