Isn't Mayor Walsh Greenwashing Orono? #callhimonit

What is Greenwashing?

That’s when a person or entity releases and/or promotes environmentally friendly messaging to help them look like they are helping and/or care about the environment. In reality they are not helping, and in fact, may be harming the environment.

Isn't it interesting that Mayor Walsh chose Earth Day, Week and Month to start his own apparent greenwashing campaign for himself and the City of Orono?

Denny (Dennis) Walsh has accounts on Nextdoor and Facebook. He appears to be greenwashing messaging by reposting the City of Orono’s supposed “green” messaging.

The City of Orono, Minnesota Government is far from green already so all this cross messaging is really a stretch of the imagination. When the leader of a city openly disparages the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, you know habitat is up for grabs for other purposes besides nature.

Besides, isn’t Mayor Walsh ultimately the person responsible who promoted:

Paving over the hillside in Summit Beach and installing a private clubhouse/boathouse?

Isn’t Mayor Walsh ultimately the person responsible who promoted:

Installing Mountain Bike Race Courses at the protected Lowry Woods Nature Conservation Area? (against City Ordinance)

Remember Mayor Walsh is ultimately the person responsible who promoted:

Clear cutting healthy trees at Orono Public Golf to put up a “lean-to” private party pad for the league golfers? And don’t forget cutting down a healthy tree for his tin faux holiday tree for one event a year.

Remember Mayor Walsh was responsible for clearcutting his own bluff on Lake Minnetonka against Orono City Ordinance.

Remember Mayor Walsh sees natural parks and open spaces as places that need man-made structures or sports facilities added. Nature is not good enough for him.

Mayor Walsh looks like he is responsible for graying out our beautiful natural resources trying to pave over and build on our open green spaces.

Mayor Walsh also likes to disparage the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) every chance he gets; including when he handed over public land with lakeshore access and wetlands to Orono Council member #matthewjohnson and Orono Planning Commissioner #boberickson so they could make private wealth for themselves.

Don’t let Mayor Walsh greenwash Orono. Attend City Council meetings and place your voice on the public record. Stop #greenwashingwalsh #togetherwearebetter @friendsoforono


Orono’s “Taj Mahal” Public Works Open House


Orono and Mayor Walsh mixed Social Media Messaging