The Orono 7: Civil and Federal Lawsuits Pending

The Orono 7. Is the City of Orono gambling away our future? There are seven active lawsuits right now against the City of Orono, et al, and four of them made it over the hurdle of dismissal already. In the eyes of the court, these four lawsuits are worthy of legal action ie: not frivolous and the other three are pending.

For more information about the civil lawsuits, see the link here and enter the City of Orono in the business search bar: (

5 Civil Suits Pending in Hennepin County:

1) Michael “Brad” Erickson, a long time Orono Business Owner recently filed a defamation suit against the City of Orono, #MayorDennisWalsh and #CouncilmemberRichardCrosbyII on 7/10/23. Case 27-CV-23-11122.

2) The City of Long Lake sued the City of Orono for Breach of Contract filed on 6/23/23. Long Lake’s request for a temporary injunction was granted for the term of their contract with Orono which ends 12/31/25. Mediation is to take place over the next 60 days. Case 27-CV-23-9758.

3) Lake Minnetonka Real Estate II, LLC sued Archelle Georgioun Feldshon, S. David Feldshon, and the City of Orono regarding riparian rights on 3/17/2023. The City of Orono's motion to dismiss hearing is scheduled for 8/2/23. Case 27-CV-23-3538.

4) Orono resident TJ Bonnett sued the City of Orono on 8/17/2022 for breach of easement contract. It appears this case is in mediation with a hearing date of 10/24/23. Case 27-CV-22-12243.

5) Orono resident Barbara Schmidt sued the City of Orono on 6/18/22 with a Minnesota Environmental Rights Act claim regarding Bederwood Park Big Woods and private property trespassing. This case is entering the mediation phase with a trial date of 1/16/24. Case 27-CV-21-7769.

2 Federal Suits Minnesota District:

1) Kendall Nygard filed a malicious prosecution case against the City of Orono 12/28/22. The case was not dismissed and is entering the discovery phase. Case 22-cv-3191 (NEB/DTS).

2) Jay Nygard filed a case on 3/3/23 against the City of Orono, Chief Farniok, Dennis Walsh as city official, Dennis Walsh as a resident, City of Orono Attorney Soren Mattick, Attorney Jared Shepherd, and Campbell Knutson, for an illegal wind turbine ban, a RICO claim, and numerous constitutional violations as well as other issues. Case 23-cv-00509-DWF-DTS.

If you find this situation out of the norm, please do attend Orono City Council meetings and make your voice heard on the Public Record. #stopcitizensuppression #citizensfororono #oronocitycouncil #standupforpublicrights ask our City Council for #FiscalResponsibility #fiscalconservation


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