When is the Hemorrhaging of Orono Taxpayer Funds Going to Stop?

Do the Citizens of Orono think spending all those millions and millions of taxpayer dollars is smart? After all, what #mayorwalsh is proposing is building a second fire department a mile away from the existing one.

Orono citizens now pay $550,000 yearly for fire service. Mayor Walsh is proposing to spend multi-millions to start his own department.

Orono residents will never see a payback from this madness. Ask Walsh about the complete budget, the build out, and cost per capita to foot the initial restructuring. Then ask him about the yearly maintenance.

Bet you come to the same conclusion we have - this looks like an outrageously expensive endeavor for the short and long term.

Even more ominous is how our neighbors and sister cities feel about working with Orono. Known as the “Lawsuit City” and the “Island of Orono” for a reason, we may not have much collaboration going on until there is a new administration.

Please come to the next Orono City Council meeting and get your voice on the public record.

#llfd #spendydenny #oronocitycouncil #stophemorrhagingtaxpayerfunds


Orono Taxes are Going Up AGAIN!


The Orono 7: Civil and Federal Lawsuits Pending