Isn't Council member Veach FOR the Duplicate Fire Department?

Is #mariaveach for the “Pop-up, Duplicate Fire Department”? Let’s go point by point:

1) Why would she ask about Pension matching and transfer if she wasn’t looking ahead for the new department?

2) Why would she ask to "ease fears and misunderstandings" if she wasn’t looking at the new department? We don’t have fears of the current, proven Long Lake Fire Department.

3) Why would she want the Duplicate Fire Chief to speak if she wasn’t For the Duplicate Fire Service? And only the positive impacts? Is there an equal platform for the cons as well as the pros?

4) Why would you ask about “extreme” taxes? Why not the actual budget of said multimillion dollar Duplicate Fire Service?

5) Here’s the real kicker - “Thank you for all your hard work on this.” Maybe she is happy about it, but the Orono taxpayers spending millions on duplication seems like a poor business decision. Ms. Veach is all for the “refresh to a great organization” so that means creating the Duplicate Fire Service because we are pretty sure that the Citizens of Orono don’t want or need a refresh of the properly functioning Long Lake Fire Department.

6) And finally. She writes this refresh “will benefit both the department and the community.” How is that Ms. Veach? Spending millions more on a smaller Duplicate Fire Service Area is of benefit to?

Write to Ms. Veach and ask her why she may be questioning her own written word. Did she want to appear more neutral at the last Orono City Council meeting? Is this why she seemed to argue against her own comment card?


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