Your Taxes Have been Going Up and Here's How

As home values go up so do your taxes, and the staggering truth is that we are all paying more - a lot more. Instead of lowering our tax rate like sister cities Minnetrista, Shorewood and Deephaven, Mayor Walsh is leaving it the same, and taking more and more from you.

What is perhaps even more insulting is that you appear to not have a say in your own taxpayer spending. Did you want a new Duplicate Fire Department? Is that wise spending? Did you want to spend an extra 5 million spent on the Taj Mahal Public Works building? Did you have a choice? Do you want your funds to go to litigation costs of seven lawsuits that could have been mediated?

Ask yourself these questions as Mayor Walsh holds out his hand for another 12.5% Tax Levy. It’s time to stop allowing #spendydenny to run the City’s budget by “intuition” and get back to fiscal conservancy.


Isn't Council member Veach FOR the Duplicate Fire Department?


Orono Council Meets After Closed Meeting Without the Public Present