Orono Council Meets After Closed Meeting Without the Public Present

Orono’s newly appointed council member #MariaVeach gets schooled by Orono Council member Matt Johnson to not share information. Whether she knows it or not, she is already being controlled and silenced by her fellow council allies.

Since 2017, Mayor Walsh has set up committees where most of the city council business is getting done out of the public eye. He is also not disclosing his proposed actions in the city newsletter until after they are voted upon.

Apparently, the voices of citizens and opposing council members are intentionally being suppressed.

Although she has not been elected, Ms. Veach still is accountable to the Orono citizens rather than the three council members who voted her in.

She needs to be her own independent voice and not fall prey to the seemingly domineering majority that will want her to vote for their unpopular and nontransparent decisions. Let us hope she can clearly see through this effort to bring her own views forth to the public.


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Is this happening at Orono City Hall?