Is this happening at Orono City Hall?

During the last City Council meeting, a Citizen called out a communication style that they felt the Orono City Council and specifically the Mayor was using with residents. This isn’t the first time a resident has brought up gaslighting as an Orono City Council communication style. Considering some of the major issues that are pending, we wondered if any of these points appeared to be exemplified?

Denial - That never happened

The Orono City Council apparently is not acknowledging that the citizen unrest in the thousands is even happening. Look at how many individuals have signed petitions, written letters, created websites, and gotten up to speak in City Council meetings. The fact that there is distrust, and the communication problem has yet to be accepted and acted upon by the entire Council.

Shifting Blame - It’s all your fault

It’s everyone’s fault but the Orono City Council. It’s the City of Long Lake, the Northwestern Hennepin League of Minnesota Cities, it’s the plaintiffs in the lawsuits, it’s fellow city council members, it’s the citizens of Orono - it’s anyone but the three Council members Walsh, Crosby or Johnson. This may be why we are now known as the “Island of Orono.”

Minimizing - You are overreacting

We have runaway spending and multi million dollar budget management by “intuition.” When we try to hold the Orono City Council and especially Mayor Walsh accountable for obvious budget overruns, and apparently repeated lack of transparency, these facts are deflected and/or minimized.

Withholding - I don’t know what you’re talking about

Remember your taxes going up? Do you have a clear explanation as to why? Do you have a clear understanding of the Duplicate Fire Service? Or the size of the “Taj Mahal” Public Works Building? There appear to be major gaps in information that we need to continue to ask the Council for as responsible Citizens of Orono.

Countering - You never remember things correctly

Many times when a negative issue comes up we are retold again and again how our roads are paid for and our sewer is fully funded. What if you don’t have a sewer and water hook up? Many of us do not, so where does that leave those citizens? And road funding is not the issue, multi million dollar expenditures are.

Discrediting - Everyone thinks you are crazy

Disparaging Citizens and calling them “crazy” or “clowns” is an obvious gaslighting technique. It is truly sad how many times this has been employed over the past few years during public meetings.

Deflection - What about the time you did “X”?

We’ve heard Mayor Walsh try to deflect public conversations, and especially with former city officials. Is this a conscious communication technique? Make sure to look at the issues together to see the big picture. There are several websites that will help you see the issues over the past couple of years:

Loving Words as Weapons - I would never hurt you on purpose

“You can be sure that the City Council Members are steadfast in our ability to keep making all the good decisions that are necessary for the city to conduct its business and to keep our citizens safe & protected without interruption,” Mayor Walsh in a recent newsletter. But what about the concern for our public safety in changing our fire service to an unknown startup? Or what about showing concern for our rising property taxes? Or the apparently unpopular decisions that the citizens have had to speak out against to stop?

Rewriting History - You yelled at me for no reason

This is perhaps the worst communication pattern of all. Thousands of Citizens want their voices heard and the City Council refuses to scientifically survey our residents. We know that may be because Mayor Walsh, Council members Crosby and Johnson do not want to hear what the citizens really want. This is why it is more important than ever to attend City Council meetings to make your voices heard.


Orono Council Meets After Closed Meeting Without the Public Present


Happy Independence Day!