Is this happening at Orono City Hall?
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Is this happening at Orono City Hall?

During the last City Council meeting, a Citizen called out a communication style that they felt the Orono City Council and specifically the Mayor was using with residents. This isn’t the first time a resident has brought up gaslighting as an Orono City Council communication style. Considering some of the major issues that are pending, we wondered if any of these points appeared to be exemplified?

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Important Orono Meeting! 5/22/23
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Important Orono Meeting! 5/22/23

Do not miss this meeting at 6 p.m.! If you care about your taxes going up and fire service in our community ie: your insurance premiums going up please attend and make your voices heard!

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Stop Orono's Overspending Attend May 22 City Council Meeting
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Stop Orono's Overspending Attend May 22 City Council Meeting

Citizens of Orono - do you want to spend multi millions more on Duplicate Fire Service? Why is Orono talking about borrowing money from other funds for this expenditure? It's because they haven't told us a budget. Why? Because it's going to be expensive by anyone's guess.

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How much does fire service in Orono cost?
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

How much does fire service in Orono cost?

How much will Spendy Denny going to charge us for Duplicate Fire Service?

Do not be bamboozled by the number of pages, nor the graphs and charts, nor the amount of words in the 83 page Needs Assessment Document for Fire Service.

Do pay close attention to how much money Mayor Walsh is freely spending of your tax dollars. And please do pay close attention to the fact that something doesn’t add up.

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Were Orono’s Debt Promises Broken?
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Were Orono’s Debt Promises Broken?

The @Vote4DennyWalsh web page Promises:

“We are on track to be debt free in 7 more years”...oh if only that were true. Now our debt won’t be paid off for 25 years with the interest payment of approximately 5 million.

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