How much does fire service in Orono cost?

How much will Spendy Denny going to charge us for Duplicate Fire Service?

Do not be bamboozled by the number of pages, nor the graphs and charts, nor the amount of words in the 83 page Needs Assessment Document for Fire Service.

Do pay close attention to how much money Mayor Walsh is freely spending of your tax dollars.

And please do pay close attention to the fact that something doesn’t add up. What is the final budget Mayor Walsh? It appears to be many millions more than the earmarked $3 million.

Now is the time to notice where your tax dollars are going. Attend City Council meetings. Hope to see you there Monday, May 8th and May 22nd at 6pm


Stop Orono's Overspending Attend May 22 City Council Meeting


Were Orono’s Debt Promises Broken?