Orono Citizens' Voices Need to be Heard
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

Orono Citizens' Voices Need to be Heard

'The survival of democracy depends upon the trust of the people and that necessitates a government with integrity and competence, one that is truly "of the people, by the people and for the people."'

- Former Governor Arne Carlson Star Tribune June 19, 2023

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How much does fire service in Orono cost?
Barbara Schmidt Barbara Schmidt

How much does fire service in Orono cost?

How much will Spendy Denny going to charge us for Duplicate Fire Service?

Do not be bamboozled by the number of pages, nor the graphs and charts, nor the amount of words in the 83 page Needs Assessment Document for Fire Service.

Do pay close attention to how much money Mayor Walsh is freely spending of your tax dollars. And please do pay close attention to the fact that something doesn’t add up.

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