Safety First: No Temporary Fire Stations

#MayorDennyWalsh and his council allies desire to have two temporary fire stations created to start up a new fire department serving Navarre on July 1st. Orono doesn’t NEED two Temporary Fire Locations - this is want by #MayorDennyWalsh so he can start the duplicate and extremely expensive fire department before the next election. He’s strong-arming the community, the Citizens and frankly, the Firefighters by pushing this ill-planned scheme of going-it-alone.

Setting up two temporary locations for an active fire department isn’t just fiscally irresponsible, it could also be very unsafe. Both temporary locations are not built to service fire departments. The firefighters will have to back up engines into smaller spaces without a turn around or drive through. There will not be proper placement of equipment for firefighting and quick response which is a potential recipe for disaster.

On top of that, the neighborhoods have not had a say whether they even want this situation to transpire in their area. Does the Orono School District know that fire trucks will have to compete with their start and stop times with student drivers on Kelly Avenue? Does the Navarre neighborhood know that they will have a fire department in a garage in a residential neighborhood operating at all hours of the day?

Let’s stop this poor leadership from continuing their haphazard planning and get Mayor Walsh back to renegotiating a new contract with the Long Lake Fire Department. The majority of Orono citizens don’t want their fire protection to change especially when the alternative is to give up an established service for a makeshift department running out of two “temporary” fire stations. The risk and unknowns of this is too great. The LLFD facilities and associated firefighters have proven to be excellent and established fire service providers for our community. Make sure to let the Orono city council know you want them to negotiate a new fire contract with Long Lake.

#togetherwearebetter @friendsoforono

#dennywalsh #denniswalsh #dennywalshfororonomayor #denniswalshfororonomayor #orono #oronocitycouncil #oronofire #oronofiredepartment


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