Read #denniswalshformayor latest post:

1) Orono is clearly not proud #dennywalshformayor

2) July 1st is the day that Citizens may be in danger with an unproven and slapped together Orono fire service in Navarre

3) Only four people in Orono made this "long term decision" for their own short term gain:

#oronomayordennywalsh aka #spendydenny is building his own fire department against national fiscal trends

Orono City Council - Maria Veach (remember she and her husband have financial gain on this deal) #ConflictOfInterest

#oronocouncilmemberrichardcrosby (known fundraiser for the Proud Boys and ardent supporter of things Walsh)

#oronocouncilmembermattjohnson (or #anticlapmatt leading the charge with the Mayor on Citizen Suppression. He's also one of the City officials that received free public land for his own wealth portfolio from you guessed it - Orono City Council)

Please protest against this type of behavior. Attend City Council meetings - write letters to the editor - and please vote this fall.

#togetherwearebetter Friends of Orono

#dennywalsh #denniswalsh #orono #oronocitycouncil #dennywalshformayor


4/10/24 Coffee with Mayor: Shame&Blame LL, Citizens; Misquotes, Misinformation, Meanness, &Dating??


Safety First: No Temporary Fire Stations